I have a lot of titles out there, and I’ll do my best to help you find one that is a great fit for what you’re in the mood to read. I have a spreadsheet available if that’s your preferred way to search through my titles, broken down by genre, pairing gender identities, how many (if any) romance partners, and heat level.

All my books can be found on Amazon, and I’m working at getting them onto Smashwords which puts them onto Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iBooks, and your other favorite ebook retailers.

My favorite things I’ve written:

book cover featuring a man in a cloak holding lightining
Saving the Storm Mage
book cover of a shattered mirror

Coming Soon and Works in Progress

If you’d like a review copy of Queenie Queen—or any of my back catalog—email me. I’ll send you a code for a free download.

Queenie Queen, Queen of Hell

Coming Soon! May 1, 2023

Isekai/LitRPG with f/f romance

Work in Progress

I am querying this, but it will be available to my patrons and self-published at the end of the year otherwise.

image of a magical book on a golden background
Mate Lost and Found

Work in Progress

Starting late 2023 on my Patreon

M/F shifter romance

I enjoy writing Flash Fiction, and I’m happy to have found my way to the #ThursThreads community. If you search my name on their site, you can find my winning entries.